Sunday, June 29, 2008

How to keep your buns cool in the summertime...

Doll House Update Dining and kitchen

Oooohh, finally the dolls can sit down to dinner...
Are you dining with us tonight?

But wait, now you can sit in the kitchen too...

And a chair for the sewing machine, thank goodness, these dolls haven't changed clothing in quite a few years...

sooo cute...

Nine Miles today, and a few posts to cover it.

Early in the nine mile day....

Heading back up the canyon!

Almost done!!

Arroyo Seco Nine Miles o hikin

A secret pathway....

Post card perfect

Don't you want to join us!?

Yes, this man is wearing wicking socks, shorts, shirt, a camelbak hydration pack and a GPS wrist unit that tells him location, elevation, distance hiked, average speed of hiking, calories burned, direction and, time of day. Yes this man is a hiking geek. (This from the geek.. "If you want to see where we hiked on google maps, go here...,-118.173666&spn=0.029937,0.052872&z=14

Ok, I'm only missing the wrist GPS. But that ONE omission leaves me well out of the Geek camp.

Arroyo Seco Nine Mile Hike

Yucca (Our Lord's Candle) still in bloom in these here hills...
A snowy show in So Cal

Grab the pole there's trout here too!!

Magical Forest

Up and Up.....yeah, it is HOT!

Nine Miles doing the Upper Arroyo Seco Hike

We made it!
Nine mile smile!

Humbolt Lily, almost past season
ah the green green green of the rolling green hills...
Stone stair of an old resort

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Brougmansia and Lemons!

I wish you could smell these blooms, they are heavenly
and huge!
and plentiful...
they consort with the lemon tree...
And are bigger than me!

Spring Time on the Ranchette APRICOTS

The two trees are giving us another harvest this year!

Chris tries one....
The master apricot jam maker approves....

Bastet is 120 years old

You should look so good..
Guess What....???

Corgi butt!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

My very first kitty, the amazing Orville

My mom just sent me this! I am ten in this photo.
I met Orville when I was in first or second grade. We had two boy kittens
Orville and his brother Wilber, my sister's cat.
He was with me all through high school, quite an old dude.
Look at that smiley cat face, I just adored him.
My late step dad Irv said Orville had two personalities, one for each profile, Orville, and his "other" personality...Edgar. (Shakespeare fans will understand that one). One day my mom put a bottle cap on his head and he wore it like a crown as he walked around the room, it didn't fall off, we had to take it off him! He looks like quite the bruiser in this photo,
I don't think he was, just looks that way next to wee little me.

Dollhouse kids get ....RABBITS!!!

Yep, no surprize eh?
How cute is this?
Oooo, brass mirror to match the brass bed..
...another mirror and more fun decor for the blue room!!

Gemma the Divine Speaks

...yeah, yeah, I'm precious, purr purr and all that.

What, you think you are cuter?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Patty's baby goats!! Two weeks old!!

Went to visit Patty today, to see her four baby goats!

What you won't see is how when I sat down, all four sat on my lap, at once!

Patty's eye's bugged out and she said "They never do that, you must be the goat whisperer!"

I have to tell you, four fuzzy baby goats on my lap...IS HEAVEN!! I NEED ONE!!! (at least)

Three does and one buck, all for sale!

Ruki is so chill

Ruki is king of chill

Gemma shows her trickery self off!

Gemma, you are so TRICKERY!!!

Must resssttt afters long trickery photo shoot